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Home > NorthStar > Integrations > Zapier Integrations with Templates
Zapier Integrations with Templates
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Zapier Integrations can unlock a whole world of potential with GrowthHackers Projects and the other applications your team currently uses. This article will provide a walkthrough of setting up Zapier and one of our ready made (and most popular) templates - Asana. Before proceeding it will be easier if you create a Zapier account first if you don't have one already.

Accessing Integrations

First thing, is we need to get to the integrations page. Click on the gear settings icon on the left menu to access the settings page. From here you can access the integrations page.


Integrations and Zapier

First we’ll initiate the process, by clicking the “Add Integration” button on the integrations screen.





In order to have Zapier talk to your GrowthHackers Project, you will need to generate an API Key. Click on the "Generate API Key" and viola!


Next select a template you would like to use (we’ll use the Asana one in this example.)


You will be taken to the template homepage on Zapier. There is a brief summary of what this integration template will do. You will need to click “Use this Zap” to proceed. You can also find the landing page here: Zapier Asana - GrowthHackers Project 


Sign in or Sign up for Zapier.

Template walkthrough

The only action available (at the time writing this) is “New Card”. That means this action will trigger anytime a new card is created.


You will need to setup the initial connection to GrowthHackers Projects. This connection can be  reused by other zapier integrations with this particular Project. You will need to create a connection per project.


This is the key from your growthhackers integrations page.


Click the Test button to verify that the API Key is recognized by GrowthHackers Projects.


Click the Save and Continue button to proceed. Ensure that the connection test was successful.


Zapier will ask you to test the event trigger. This will fail.


This error is expected, you can ignore it. It is because the integration needs to be live for us to queue a new card trigger?


Continue to the next step.

Connecting to Asana

Initiate the Asana setup by clicking continue.


Connect your Asana account


Login / Sign up for Asana.


Click the test button to verify that Zapier can successfully communicate to Asana


Click to continue once it is verified.


Select an Organization and Project for the template. You can modify the prepopulated fields that we configured or customize them. Click continue to proceed with the setup.


A summary of the action that will occur in Asana is displayed. You can click back on your browser to modify any fields you need or continue to proceed with the setup.


Click Finish to finalize the task and trigger a test action.


You can see the test card in Asana.


Now lets turn it on for real!

Testing your Zap

It’s always good to verify that you asana integration works (via Zapier) by creating a new card in your project.


After you click save, there should a message on the bottom confirming that the card was pushed to Zapier.


If you log into Asana, you can verify that card was pushed to Asana.

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