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Home > NorthStar > Integrations > Integrating your NorthStar product with Slack
Integrating your NorthStar product with Slack
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Get notifications to any Slack channel when cards are created, commented on, or moved through the workflow.

To set up the integration, follow these steps:

  1. Log into Slack and go to:
  2. Choose a channel from the drop down and click "Add Incoming Webhook Integration" - we recommend creating a new channel called #growth
  3. Copy the "Webhook URL" on the following page. No further configuration is needed.
  4. Log into NorthStar and select the product you want to configure notifications for
  5. Open Settings>Integrations and select Slack
  6. Paste the Webhook URL in the field
  7. Click "Save Changes" and be sure to invite members of your team to the channel!
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